Patient’s rights
The doctors, nurses and staff at Mickleover Surgery are committed to providing our patients with the best possible service. We will do our best to ensure that:
- Patients will be treated with courtesy and respect.
- We will inform patients of the services provided by the practice.
- All aspects of the patient’s visit to the practice will be dealt with in privacy and in confidence.
- Patients will be involved in decisions taken about their treatment and care. We will provide a full explanation of treatment and advice offered.
- Where patients are kept waiting for more than 30 minutes an explanation will be given.
- We will provide repeat prescriptions, where appropriate, within 2 working days of a request.
- Patients may expect to receive advice on lifestyle improvements to promote good health
- Patient complaints will be handled in accordance with the practice complaints procedure and will be followed-up promptly.
Patient responsibilities
- To treat the doctors and practice staff with respect and courtesy. Remember they are trying to help you.
- To attend appointments on time and ensure that adequate notice of cancellation is given. Missed appointments waste time and can cause a delay for other patients who need to be seen. Patients arriving late for their appointment may be asked to make another appointment.
- When attending a consultation remember that the time routinely allocated is 10 minutes.
- To ensure that an appointment is made for each family member who needs to be seen. Each appointment with a healthcare professional at the practice is made for one person only
- Where a specialist referral has been made patients are expected to attend the appointment or to cancel it if the condition has resolved or the appointment is no longer needed.
- Avoid calling the practice during the morning to obtain test results or make routine enquiries.
- Inform the practice of any change of address or phone number.